Sunday, June 08, 2008

I'm not sure if life is weird or if I'm weird. I'm bored, I'm frustrated and I'm not sure what to do about it. I live in Chicago, one of the greatest cities in the world but if I don't do the Chicago stuff all the time why should we like here. I can run my business from anywhere so why pay the high price of living in Chicago. But then if we move to a smaller cheaper place I may be bored just being the 'family guy'. Not that I don't love my family, I'm just not identified by it. I am much more and have much more that I want to do.

I'm not the most patient person in the world. Maybe I need to give Chicago more time.

While most of my business is flowing well but my house is part of my business and it is a piece of shit. Apiece of shit in a beautiful 'hood. The cost to make the property 'righteous' is way too much for this market. The cost is much more than I thought it would be......rookie mistake I made....get all the pricing together before signing on the dotted line. Every time I turn around something goes wrong here. It's like that movie 'Money Pit'. Anyway this house is a monument to my failure to take care of my family.

That's All I Got!
I'm Out!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

NBA Playoffs

Somehow Kobe and the Lakers have made their way into the NBA Finals. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I used to love the Lakers but my allegiance left with Shaq. On top of that I've always hated Kobe. I have always thought he was too contrived. We never see the real Kobe or at least feel like we are seeing the real Kobe. We all knew we didn't know the real Mike but at least he made us feel like we knew him.

Anyway, somehow the Lakers have played their way back into my heart. I'm not admitting it yet though. I'm like the guy who dumped his chick 'cause she wasn't keeping her look tight. Then, he sees her out and she looks good as hell!!!!! Now he's got to have her back and that's how I feel. Problem is, I don't want to admit it because of Kobe.

The Celtics are doing their thing. A great rivalry renewed. Everyone is picking the Lakers and I'm not quite sure why. Yes the Lakers have played very well but Boston has 3 superstars and home court advantage. On the other hand, Kobe is a cold blooded Killa. Boston in 7 Games.

That's All I Got!
I'm Out!
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