Saturday, January 26, 2008

Barack is Good but these others need some help!!!

I know I wrote a while back that Barack should wait until the next time around to run. Problem is next time could be 8 years from now. Well he is running and winning. Now if the press can just make up their minds. Is Barack not Black enough this week or too Black this week. They can't seem to decide which one is more damaging to him and most helpful to the republicans. If he is too Black then maybe they can scare some White folksinto not voting for him. If he isn't black enough then maybe the Black folks don't vote for him. Whatever, all I know is that we have two legit contenders and one of them is a brother that is running to win rather than running so that our issues are heard. Anyway Barack put a ass whuppin' on the first Black President's wife tonight in South Carolina....Nice work.

Now, I have written the most controversial post and it is ready and waiting. I don't know if I have the guts to release it. I got words in it for everyone. My sister, my sister-in-law, my wife, several of my supposed homey, my son and even my mama who is missing in action. I am going on a business trip in a couple of weeks. that may be the time to drop such a bombshell.

But on to current matters. I have a list of people who need some serious help. I am almost at a loss for words with these fools. Check it out.

OK, let's start here. This fool is back for another round of 'Luv the Raisin' My kids laugh when I tell them about how this cat was part of one of the greatest and most controversial groups of all time. Especially when I tell them that P.E. gave people pride in being black. I guess you can't put a price on coonin'. Shouldn't he be on that rehab show with the tall blonde man he was hooked up with on the first season of 'Luv'.

Come on People!!!! Somebody help my man! Or at least help the dog, he is looking a little on the thin side. Bobby doesn't have Whitney around to smoke rocks with anymore so maybe he and the dog are smoking. He should be with Flav on the Dr. Drew rehab show.

This cat gets more and more off the hook every day. Now he got popped with every drug know to man on him and a pistol.....He should get on the bus with Flav and Bobby.

OK, this cat is looking really suspect right now. I'm not sure if Jamie needs to get on the rehab bus with the others or does he need to talk to Magic about some medicine. Something ain't right here.

This brother needs a different kind of help.....Acting Lessons!!!! He is always getting on some show but he can't act worth a damn. It's like he is reading off a que card all the time. He might need a stylist also.

When I was in college my first class was Hoes and tricks 101 taught by my teammates. The one thing I learned was that you cannot turn a Hoe in to a housewife. Maybe they don't teach that at USC. Maybe Kim does not qualify as such. I always thought that if you had a sex tape that was a very strong hint as to what you are dealing with.

What's going on with Eddie? He is really acting whack lately. Got a divorce over Johnnie Gill (allegedly), knocked up a Spice Girl and then denied it until the paternity test came back (that last part he might have played right...Deny, Deny Deny). Maybe he is trying to prove his manhood???? Hum, I wonder why.

Speaking of why. Why are they calling Tracey a gold digger? Because she's hot? She has her own money. She has been successful on her own. Like when she was with Babyface and he help her get started in.........nevermind.

Come on Mayor Kirkpatrick,
You can really do better than what you are doing. You got caught up over some text messages? My 15 year old kid gets caught in some shit over some text messages. But you??? You are the Mayor of a major American city at 30 years old. You are killing it. Now you are being investigated for perjury among other things. I am proud of you for your other accomplishments but you are killing me with this stuff. I am also troubled by the lack of loyalty by the people around you. Here in The Chi? Nothing gets to the Mayor. Someone always diverts it or takes the fall for him before it comes to that. Looks like no one in Detroit will take one for the team. Good luck.
That's All I Got!!!!

I'm Out


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cheaters, the Justice System and the Court of Public Opinion

Aren't you tired of all the cheaters in the world? Everyone cheats and then even when they are caught they still deny it. There are a few that have come out and admitted they cheated. Everyone else skates around the issues.

Roger Clemens comes immediately to mind. It has been obvious to me for a while that he has been using performance enhancers for years. I assume that this has been obvious to all of you also. Seriously, who adds 3-4 m.p.h. to their fastball after the age of 35? His excuses were terrible and that recording of the phone conversation wasn't even the full conversation.....Garbage!

Funny how the media and the court of public opinion has handled this. I heard a number of journalists say that, "We need to hear from Roger on this!" While with Barry Bonds he was tried and convicted without any evidence. That is, aside from exhibit A which is his body and dome the size of a 15 inch television. Barry has been crucified for years now by the public and now will be crucified by the Federal Government. Yes he is a cheat also but shouldn't he and Roger get the same treatment? I did hear one journalist say that the difference in the way that they were treated was clearly racist. A white journalist by the way. I have to agree.

I feel like the truth is that most of the players have been and continue to cheat. They don't have a test for HGH and the players are surely 2 or 3 drugs past HGH by now. The game is dirty and if everyone would just accept that fact we would all be better off. Now let's move on I have heard enough about them. Besides I have other cheats to talk about.

How about Marion Jones? Another full blown cheat. Her sport is also very dirty. She had a husband who got banned from the sport for performance enhancers then her live-in boyfriend after that got banned also. So why should we think that she would be clean when she is surrounded with drug use. The problem I have is not that she is doing six months but the fact that the Lafave lady (the child molester) got no time at all. Just probation. He attorney said during her trial that she was "too pretty" to go to jail???? What? So if I am a 10 on a scale of 1-10 I should be able to kill someone and get probation.

Our world sucks in a lot of ways. I hope we can do some things to change it.

That's All I Got!

I'm Out!


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