Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is There a Damia Omen??????

OK, people I know it's been a minute but you know I got issues. Life, mice, kids, business, so I can't come out from under my rock to write everyday. I know that is no excuse but it's the best I got.

I have a new major and pressing issue in my life. My youngest daughter who is 16 months old appears to have some problem with anyone or anything who is not fetching her food. Up until recently she has been a model child.

I took a couple of days off to spend with the baby and give mom a break. My wife says that being at home with her is hard sometimes. What can really be hard about Chilean' on the couch watching court shows, soap operas, Oprah, Tyra (the fake ass Oprah) and Dr. Phil (A fake all together, more scoop on that at another time). All you have to do is fix lunch at some point during the day and look like you've been busy all day when I get home right? Easy, I got it.

Our day began beautifully. We had oatmeal together she goo-gooed and gaa-gaad and I acted like I knew what she was talking about. The doorbell rang and things changed. The guy was there to give us an estimate to replace some windows. Normally she is very quiet when strangers are around. She screamed what appeared to be profanities (in baby talk) and pointed at the man. Then she tried to take his cell phone off his hip. When that would not work she picked up a tennis ball and bounced it off the man's head.

I'm sure he was thinking, "I can't wait to get out of here and away from this little gremlin."

I felt so bad I bought new windows for nearly the whole house. She laughed and had an evil look in her eye as the man sprinted down the driveway and back to his truck. Then I sat down to get a couple of things done at the computer and I noticed she was very quiet. I walked back to the kitchen and she had opened the dishwasher and was standing on the door with her arm stuck in the top rack. She was trying to get out a binki that she saw in the pot rack when she got stuck. She wasn't crying because she knew she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.

Later, I tried to put her down for a nap and she refused to go to sleep. Unfortunately, I fell asleep and I was awakened to a room full of toilet paper that was still connected to the roll in the bathroom. She awakened me by repeatedly smacking me in the forehead with a water bottle because she was thirsty.

After cleaning up I thought well let's go to the store to pick up a couple of things. While we were in Sears she yelled at people throughout the store. A kindly older gentleman and his wife said hello to her and she proceeded to grunt and clinch her fists together while looking at them. It was like she was saying, "Look little ole' man you and your old lady need to get out of my face" They proceeded to continue to say pleasant things to her. The well mannered child responded by yelling, clinching her fists and punching the X-mas Hickory Farms Sausage and cheese display until 10 or 15 boxes fell off the shelf. She then turned to the old man and said, "You want some of this old fart?" Those were her first clear words, should I be worried or excited? The old man grabbed his bottom B and took off.

That evening at my son's football banquet she proceeded to slap, kick and punch every child or grown up who got within her reach. It's like she has tourettes with words and violent actions.
Well after the holy terror those couple of days brought to my life, I got suspicious and I started to watch her more closely. We have many photos of her so I went through some of them to see if any of them offered a clue to the change in her behavior. I found the picture shown above taken of her when she was in her cell, Oops I mean when she was in laundry basket. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Look at her eyes! That is the look that Damien Omen had as a child. So I ask the question. Did he have a sister named Damia? I have searched for the 666 in her hair but I can't find it with her head spinning around like that.

That gleam in her eye when she chased off the window guy, when she scared the old people, when she was fighting at the banquet and when she was in the dishwasher were all the the same as the eyes in the picture.....I'M SCARED PEOPLE. The look in the eye coupled with the periodic complete sentence threatening someone has me thinking we are dealing with something more serious here. Maybe she is the Queen of the Mice. If you don't get it check earlier posts.

That's all I got!
I'm Out!
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