Thursday, May 27, 2010

Don't Read This if You are Happy

Well my birth month of March started out as a month of new challenges and optimism.  Unfortunately, it turned out to be a month of rejection and dissappointment.  Even worse, April has started out the same way.  I can't explain my feelings of hurt and dissappointment. 
My heart isn't broken but it is cracked, as is my confidence in life and people.  My heart actually hurts!  That hasn't happened in a long long time.  I am trying to be optimistic but it is difficult right now, hence the title to this post.
Do you have the right to demand from the world what you demand from yourself. I say yes, but I am finding that the world sucks right about now.
My house is in total dissarray. I am dissappointed in those around me yet my efforts to 'right the ship' are being thwarted. I said before I am tired of being nice.
I promise to be more cheerful in the near future.

That's All I Got!
I'm Out!!
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