Saturday, January 06, 2007

Don't Do It Barack....Not Yet!

I am a big Barack Obama fan. Yes he is the star of the moment and you should strike while the iron is hot. But is this the right moment for him to run for President? I don't think so.

While Senator Obama is certainly ready in many ways there are a couple of ways in which he is not. I am not sure that he has the international know how that we need right now. Our country is the villain of the world right now and we need someone to help bring us out of this hole we are in.

Instead how about this. Hilary and slick Willie get back in the White House. I love Slick Willie after all he was our first Black President. Senator Obama is the V.P. for 8 years then the former Senator from Illinois becomes the President for the next 8 years. Those 8 years as VP will prepare him to be President on the international level.

He hasn't even announced yet and they are bringing up his past drug use as an issue. He is not ashamed of it he wrote about so what is the issue. Bush, Slick Willie and others did it but tried to hide it.

Can you believe that they called Obama 'Osama' in the Chicago Sun Times? How about some respect in your home state?

Can you imagine Slick Willie as the 1st Man? That will be a wild 8 year party? It's like he gets to be president all over again without all those silly economic, war and political decisions to make! I hope puts me up for Chief of Something.

That's all I got!
I'm out!
44 Black

Catching Up! Random Thoughts.

Yes, I am still alive. I've had a lot on my plate lately so I haven't been able to get to the blog. Some things have not changed since I have been away.

Racism is as strong as ever. A guy in NY goes out with his boys for his bachelor party and ends up dead. 70 rounds shot into his car and no one in his group was armed? Scary. An old lady in her 80's in Atlanta was shot to death when they Police busted in her house and she defended herself because she thought someone was breaking in......50 rounds. By the way the person they were looking for was not even home. White cops (sometimes Black cops) and Black victims.

They (and the community as a whole) seem to believe everything that is in the media about us. Even thought they produce 90% of the media content about us. If you believe what is in the movies and on the news we all carry guns and have 3 kids by the time we are 12. We also sell drugs and play basketball daily.

I have a friend who worries about run ins with police even though has never had one. He even goes as far as taking his drivers license picture in suit and tie. His thinking is that the officer will see that he is professional and that will decrease his chances of being arrested or being shot. I took my drivers license picture in a black hoody.......I will be shot on sight.

I can see it now. The officer asks for my license, insurance and registration. All of that is expired because we all ride dirty.

The officer sees my picture and says, "Is this a hoody in your picture?"

I say "yes"

He yells, "Gun!" and empties his 9 into my chest.

I guess I'm off to DMV today.

Enough of that. Other happenings in my life you ask? Well, teenagers are dumb selfish and crazy. I have one in my house and I think she has lost her mind. She somehow thinks that at 14 she can survive in the world on her own. In an earlier blog I mentioned the need for a street cat to take care of my mouse problem. I compared the street cat to Perry my sisters house cat whose idea of hunting down a meal is sitting next to the bowl until someone fills it. Well that is my kid. She is a retarded straight A is that possible? Book smarts but no common sense.

The holidays were good. My mother came to spend time with us. She insulted my x'mas tree. She said "that sure is an ugly tree!" She said this in front of the kids. She laughed at our tree as she explained that she didn't even have a tree! Whatever! It was nice to see her.

Apparently, according to my sister's blog my mother has asked her to move out after she is married. My sister is somehow offended by this. I think this qualifies as retarded also. Apparently, my sis has a lot of junk everywhere so my mother got her an organizational specialist to help her get her shit together. My mom and sister living together is the worst idea ever, yet they have been at it for years and it is constant comedy and drama.

I am continuing on my qwest to be a Real Estate Mogul. I got six months to a year to go then I can leave my day job, thank God!

That's all I got!
I'm Out!
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