Monday, December 14, 2009

WTF???????? Part 2

So my wife yelled at me for using the word 'degenerate' in relation to her and her sister's recent gambling (Read the prior WTF???? post before reading this one).  Of course she was playing online poker while she was yelling at me!?!?!?!?

Just so you know, I have been threatened by the powers that be to not write about her anymore so I am done including her in my blog because I love her very much and I don't want something as silly as a blog to interfere with our relationship.

Anyway, we are sitting around talking and she (wifey) says she isn't sure what we are going to do for dinner because she hasn't had the chance to go to the grocery store.  This is another in a long line of WTF moments I have had recently.  Most of my WTF moments are self contained, meaning that I think them and maybe put them on this blog.  Unfortunately this one got past the screen door and out my mouth before I could finish saying WTF in my head.

"Baby, I don't know what we are having for dinner because I haven't had time to go to Costco or Sam's."

"Oh, I guess you didn't have time because you were too busy gambling at the casino!"

"Oh, OK I've had about enough of you calling me a degenerat gambler.  Fine, you know what I am going to go right now!"

Feeling good she is gonna' go, but bad I blurted out the casino comment I laid next to her on the bed (she is playing on line blackjack on the laptop) and said with a big grin, "Hey I did not say degenerate and you don't have to go to the store right now don't worry about it we can figure something out for dinner."

She then frowned at me and said, "I wasn't talking about going to the grocery store!!!!!!!  I was talking about going to the casino!!!!!"

...........I stopped grinning and thought to myself, 'WTF????????'

I'm glad I can write about this other stuff instead of my wife and her gambling. Oh, this just in. My wife cancelled our marriage counseling appointment for tomorrow. So, the one time I got something to complain about she cancels our appointment? WTF?????

BTW, sister in law snuck out last night late and came back before morning.  If you read this blog on a regular basis you know that this would not be out of the ordinary as she keeps a variety of booty calls on speed dial.  I find this curious because it seemed to be very covert.  She had just finished telling us that she was 'feenin' for the casino and then she disappears when she thinks everyone is asleep and is back before daybreak?  SHADY!  She is one of those that will hang around after the booty call until the dude says 'uhmmm, my dog has a vet appointment for his breast cancer vaccination' just to get her out of the house.  So her being back is a little weird.  I bet she was at the casino.

Remember that line in the Jodeci song, "I can't leave you alone, you got me feenin!"

I'm gonna get to Tiger and Terrell Suggs who may be dumber than Tiger but I don't have all of his facts yet.

That's All I Got!!!
I'm Out?


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